Regular Pressure Washing Can Prolong the Life of Your Home’s Paint Job

Painting the exterior of your home is not an easy feat. As a Marietta, Georgia homeowner you probably want to get the most time that you can out of every paint job. To ensure that’s possible you should have your home pressure washed regularly.
How Does Pressure Washing Prolong the Life of Your Home’s Paint Job?
Pressure washing your home regularly keeps dirt and mildew away. When mildew is left to brew, it breaks down the paint and damages the home’s exterior so proper cleaning can extend the life of your paint job.
Though your home may look like it needs a new coat of paint, oftentimes having it pressure washed will give you a few more years before having to refinish the home’s exterior.
How Often to Pressure Wash Your Home?
Inspecting your home and seeing whether it has mildew growing on it will determine the frequency in which it should be pressure washed. Some homes accumulate more mildew due to being in a climate where it’s exposed to certain types of weather conditions. Homes that tend to mildew more frequently than others will need to be pressure washed more often to protect their paint job. This can be as often as every 1-2 years. On the other hand, some homeowners can get away with only pressure washing their home every five years or so.
Pressure Washing Experts in Marietta
When deciding who to use to pressure wash the exterior of your home you should select a trusted team of professionals like Alpha Pressure Washing in Marietta, Georgia. We have the skill, experience, and knowledge needed to thoroughly clean your home at the right intervals to prolong the life of your paint job. Give us a call today.
Posted on behalf of Alpha Pressure Washing